What We Do

Our Products

Rakata products serve over 100 wide-ranging businesses throughout the UK and beyond. Our products are targeted at businesses that need tools to meet complex business needs. Whether it be job management, wholesale traders, retail providers, shipping and many more. All our products are developed, managed & supported in the UK. We only develop software in the cloud so all you will ever need is a device with a web browser!

Food Flow ERP

Cloud Management Software for Food&Drink Manufacturers

agri ERP

Grain/Commodity Trading Software for wholesalers, traders and agricultural companies

Maze Runner

Our load and route planning solution makes logistics more efficient and reduces business risk and environmental impact.

Fleet Guardian

Live location of your vehicles and trip history.

Rakata CRM Flooring

Rakata Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides companies with the necessary functions and business processes.

Rakata CRM M&E

Designed specifically for mechanical and engineering companies.

We Service

Rakata provides support and consultancy for Dolibarr and SuiteCRM to customers throughout Europe. Typical customers are businesses that can see the value of these great open source solutions but would like enhanced support from experienced developers and users of the product where a simple phone call will enable customers to speak to support staff who know and understand the product and all based in the UK.


It is the worlds leading open-source ERP. Rakata has been developing and supporting Dolibarr for over 10 years and can provide end-to-end services to assist your business.

Suite CRM

SuiteCRM is the leading open-source CRM in the world. If you already have your CRM, we can support your existing and enhance your instance to maximise its full potential.

Our Case Studies

Rakata products serve over 100 wide-ranging businesses throughout the UK and beyond. Our products help businesses that need tools to meet complex business needs. Whether it be job management, wholesale traders, retail providers, shipping and many more. All our products are developed, managed & supported in the UK.

CRM service


CRM and Managed Service Support

IT Support & Hosting

Rakata supports the IT infrastructure for over 100 companies and over 1500 end-point devices. Every day customers trust Rakata to ensure their infrastructure is running, maintained and working. Customers can call or email our helpdesk as many times as they need to ensure the problem is fixed and we do not put limits on customer site visits. We are partners with many of the leading players, such as Microsoft, Acronis and BitDefender, so we can provide the best tools and solutions to you. 

So what makes us different?

Well, our customers tell us it is our virtual helpdesk. Every end-user computer we manage has a Rakata Calling Card installed on the desktop. Customers with any issue can simply click and call into the helpdesk. There is NO hiding. No “send us an email and we can hide from it for days”, no “call us back we are busy on the phone”. Our engineers are there to pick up any call instantly and handle it. Most issues we fix in seconds and minutes, others take longer, but we are only ever a click away.



Can I enhance RakataCRM to meet my needs?

Yes. Almost every CRM will have and require a certain level of enhancement. That is one of the fundamental values of a CRM. We can do this in a number of ways. We can take a completely blank SuiteCRM instance and bespoke every aspect of the CRM for your needs. We also have many plugins and enhancements we have developed that can speed up the process. Alternatively, we can take many of the template CRMs we have developed for specific verticals e.g. Job Management, and People Management and further enhance this.


Will you support our SuiteCRM instance that we already have?

Yes. We have many customers whom we support and enhance their SuiteCRM. There is always a due-diligence process to understand the existing design and setup however if this is acceptable we will happily undertake support and enhance the CRM. One of Rakata’s largest SuiteCRM customers with over 800 users is an example of this process.


Does Agri-ERP work if we don't trade in Grain?

Yes. We have many customers who use Agri-ERP that have no link with Grain or any other organic material at all. Agri-ERP is a highly configurable solution designed to manage many complex processes and these do not have to be organic based. In fact, we have customers who use Agri-ERP for managing car parts, boiler spares, batteries and many more!